Over time, I acquired specific knowledge in areas related to design, communication, e-learning and information technology having gained experience in planning and development of projects in areas such as graphic design, communication, prepress and information technology.
I started my professional career when I was preparing to finish mechanics technical school and while looking for an internship, I was hired as a technical translator for an aviation company. Engineering was not in my future, so, I enrolled as an undergraduate of language em literature at the federal university in hopes that one day I might become a certified translator.
During this time I worked as an English teacher, educational coordinator and even as regional director of a language school, the path was leading me to other areas and my desire was to work with education.
As I left the country to the United States and tried to get into a linguistics course, I stumbled upon learning of synthetic languages, or programming languages. I was sure my future would have something to do with information technology, so I started learning to program in COBOL, Pascal, C and the chance to get a scholarship in information systems within a reputed university was embraced enthusiastically.
Already studying, I worked as data-entry clerk and soon after, I was working as an analyst at a tax-related computer company, which lasted for six years, starting as a trainee and leaving as a middle analyst.
Yet, in my last years as an analyst, I became interested in computer graphics, and some specific courses in different colleges became part of my daily journey.
Being able to buy a computer with the ability to work with images was difficult at that time, but as soon as I could, I started to work as a freelancer doing design work with a group of advertising freelancers, accepting small jobs that could fit in the few hours available.
Back in Brazil, I was graced with job offers in advertising agencies, consulting for a newspaper that had great computers and lack of knowledge about their use in the production and I thought this could be my path.
However, leaving the advertising agency and opening a design studio that my path was forged more concretely. Along with a partner in a small studio, I managed to get to work for great clients and partnerships with major suppliers.
At the same time, knowledge in graphics platforms for creative use was in demand and I immediately started consulting and training in graphics platform for agencies and newspapers in the region.The studio grew, I left the company, but while trying to open a second studio, I received an offer from a supplier in São Paulo to move there and become an advisor for a project which would last for a couple of years. What was supposed to be at the most two years, lasted seven, as the initial project finished and several others appeared and forced me to stay there.
At that time, the focus was to acquire as much knowledge about digital prepress as possible and work as a consultant in the area for companies that lacked this knowledge.
However, despite the great path that the city offered me, I decided I needed to stop and rethink whether to continue there or return to where I had decided I would live, in short, it was the time to review everything.
Back in Florianópolis, the cycle seemed to follow an already known path, as I returned to work in advertising, prepared to meet the demands of technology and training for the agency's clients and everything seemed to be somewhat the same as usual.
However, my desire to do something new met with the need of a friend,as she asked me to help modernize her business. I agreed to set up the IT infrastructure and develop web automated customer service for her accounting firm.
Two years later, still eager to know more about e-learning, and with great enthusiasm to embrace a new direction, I started working with instructional design and e-learning platforms. After uniting the graphic design knowledge with instructional design, I started working as media consultant, offering strategic support in the development of e-learning materials.
After a few years working with e-learning, just before the COVID pandemic, I ended up accepting a proposal to collaborate in a communication company where I had worked a couple of decades ago and which has now reinvented itself as a supplier of applied intelligence.
Today I continue to work both with communication and in the production of media for e-learning and I pay attention to the development of new technologies, platforms, media and more recently I have been a little interested in the use of artificial "so-called intelligence" to help with daily tasks.
less than a black dot in the universe
just a host for a mere hundred trillion bacteria so they can fulfill their function in the biosphere...
this, in turn, is nothing but one small planet in a fifth category solar system of a mediocre galaxy, lost within the outskirts of the universe...
anthropocentric thinking is almost as preposterous as imagining a three-dimensional universe...
to think that I have any greater importance than any of the bacteria that inhabit my body, or the neighbor's puppy, or even the lab mice, is the height of existential myopia...
my importance for the planet, is in what my body does with the food that goes through me...
with regard to what I think of my greatness in this scenario, I leave my favorite quote as reply...
now I'll point out a few things about me in a nutshell:
I was born in the capital of the Republic of the United States of Brazil, but I don't consider myself a "Carioca" [person who's born in Rio de Janeiro]...
I'm over 60 and I'll keep going, I just don't know for how long...
I've lived in several cities, now I live in Floripa...
I have two living parents, over 90, who I take care of as best I can...
I'm an ethnic mutt and proud of it...
I speak Portuguese and Spanish as well...
I don't talk about religion and have no interest in what people believe in...
my political views are simple: "if there is a government, I'm against it!"...
my sense of humor usually goes over almost everyone's head...
I keep a minimalist style, even in color, only black...
It´s been almost 30 years since I quit smoking cigarettes, but I have nothing against people smoking around me, although never in my house...
although I drink and have nothing against drinking too much, I'm totally against annoying drunken people trying to talk to me...
I don't agree that humans make pets out of any animal, even other human beings...
I'm passionate about suicide with intent, not the attempt of suicide...
I'm not a sports fan and I don't think the World Cup or the Olympics are the pinnacle of humanity...
I live on the internet and I love the possibility of super information...
I only read books in digital format, and the existence of the universe is my main focus...
when I listen to music, it's either electronic or in languages I don't understand...
I don't watch TV, whether broadcast or paid...
I like movies, nowadays I watch one or two, but I used to be an aficionado of watching many over and over again, my preference is for science fiction and antisocial... A few years ago I started enjoying some series...
I have no preference for any cuisine... food is only fuel, and unfortunately necessary... but I don't live without bread, any type of bread...
I'm 5' 8" tall, almost bald but with a few long, gray hairs that form a thin braid comparable to a shoelace, brown eyes, medium-built, full-length beard, few tattoos and flesh-tunnels...
I'm not a romantic and I have nothing against them, as long as they don't try to convince me that romanticism is useful for anything...
I would love to have no economic activity, preferably not even relate to humans...
what attracts me most in a human being are the neurons...
I think humans only work in two modes: hormonal or animal...
I'm still waiting for humanity's extinction so the planet and other earthlings can live in peace!
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